Friday, December 14, 2012

I feel as though I've checked out for the semester.  Which is awful, because I still have so much work to do. Too much, if you ask me, but I suppose this is what I signed up for.

Straight up, I think I have a crush.

Whether or not feelings are reciprocated, I do not know.  I figure maybe I should eventually...I don't know, tell him or something.  I'm back into the mode of being both excited and terrified of these types of feelings, and not really...knowing what to do.  What the best path is, I mean.  I've been really busy, so I've tried to not think about it so much.

The fact that I do really like someone though, regardless of whether or not those feelings are returned, is awesome.  Because it shows that I am actually capable of that, when for a while I did not think this sort of thing would happen again.

We'll see what happens!

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