Friday, December 21, 2012


I'm spending today grading papers.  Finished one class already, though it was my smaller one.  I'm a little tired, since I couldn't really fall asleep last night, but that's okay.

Hopefully I'll be hanging out with guy tonight.  We wanted to hang out last night, but it got super icy and he didn't feel comfortable driving all the way to my apartment from his house, which was more than okay.  I'd rather him be safe and everything.

The prospect of hanging out with him gives me motivation to get my shit done, actually.  Last night I did one of my essays in an hour because I was trying to finish before he would show up, and tonight, I want to finish grading by 10, since I think that's when he'll be free after his play and everything.  I'm not sure exactly what we're going to do; maybe watch a movie or something!  I have been prodding at him to watch the Avengers, since he hasn't, but I also don't own it.  I would say The Room, but that needs to be done in a group bigger than 2 people.

Supernatural is an awesome show.  I look forward to getting through all the seasons throughout this break.

Also, caught up on Dexter.  Holy fuck that finale.   Holy.  Fuck.

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