Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Spent all day doing a multivariate regression by hand.

It kind of really sucked.  It could have been worse, if I had been doing it alone, but luckily, I was working with someone the whole time.

The worst part is that it alone wasn't the entire stats portion of the assignment.  And I have two essay questions to also complete before being able to hand this in.  While I should do those tonight, so I can spend tomorrow grading, I really don't want to do anymore work.  Plus, I got little sleep last night, so I'm more exhausted than I should be right now.

I received an incredibly funny facebook message today from someone I don't know, claiming that her gay friend has this fantasy of some girl he doesn't know and will never see again beating the shit out of him, and that he would pay this girl $100 an hour to do this.

I...don't even know, man.  I don't even know.

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