Monday, December 3, 2012

Job talks

We've been having a lot of job talks at the university because there are two (three?) positions available for new professors starting next year.  Usually they give a presentation and then the grad students are supposed to have a meeting with the candidate by ourselves.  I have to say I've been slacking on going to the grad student meetings with them because I've been wanting more time to do work, since I have so much of it lately.

Though I'm going to try to go to whichever ones I can from now on, since we got an email saying only two people showed up to the one today.  I feel bad.  There's so many of them though...I feel like we've been having multiple job talks every week.

Grading is probably the worst thing in the world to do.

Been thinking today about stuff.  Which is dangerous, I know.  Though I suppose that is not unique to just today.  Bah.

I just want the semester to be over.

Before, I was wondering what I'm going to do for New Year's.  I don't know if I'll stay on the Island or if I'll come back up here.  I'll see what people are up to.

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