Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Talking to anyone who doesn't really understand why rioting is happening in Ferguson is frustrating.  It is especially frustrating when it is one of your parents, who started to almost mock it until you angrily stepped in, trying to explain the prevalence of white cops killing unarmed black men and how, since law enforcement and the justice system have failed, the community is turning to the last resort: violent protests.  That looting is a product of that from a minority of people and that those people often just detract from the real message, but that it is more those opportunists who take advantage of the chaotic situation.  But overall, violence is neither an unexpected nor an irrational response to the injustice that happened and continues to happen.

Once again it is one of those "don't talk politics with a political scientist" situations.

It is why I hate talking about politics with people who aren't political scientists.

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