Sunday, November 2, 2014

Haven't been able to motivate myself into doing work today.  I only did a small bit of my MLE assignment for Tuesday and even that was exhausting for some reason.  I know I shouldn't feel bad for trying to just relax and everything, but I do.  And the guilt is kind of just making me feel worse.  I need to do the MLE assignment, finish my powerpoint for comps, and start getting ready for a presentation next week and everything.  I have so many things to do and no motivation to do any of them.  Maybe I should stop trying to force it tonight and just relax so I could be super productive tomorrow.  That might be for the best.  If anything, I could ask for an extension on the assignment or something I don't know.  I've just been having a terrible time.

When I was talking about my lack of romantic success lately friend S said some cute stuff (with the "if I was available" tagged in there, obviously) and it was nice.  In another universe, maybe I would've went after him instead of the ex.  It was flattering (and got me blushing and stuff) and kind of boosted my self-esteem a bit, especially since I've been feeling awful and gross lately and all.

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