Monday, November 24, 2014

Mockingjay was most excellent, though I am still mad that I now need to wait another damn year in order to see the rest of it.  Ugh.  Damn you Harry Potter, this splitting the last movie into two parts thing is all your fault.

Though I'm feeling odd about talking to people right now.  I have messages in my inbox and on facebook and I kind of just don't want to respond to any of them.  Part of me feels bad the same time I just really haven't wanted to talk to anyone since movie ended.

I'm really a terrible friend, aren't I?

Fuck, why do I feel sad all of a sudden?  This is unacceptable.

And then why am I also looking up ex things this is stupid and so am I.  Who cares if his life is all together and shit and you are basically just drifting throughout your life, unable to figure out what it is that makes you happy.  Who.  Cares.

I do.

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