Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I have 'The Rains of Castamere' stuck in my head.  I feel it is appropriate given that I feel like I could die at any fucking moment with how stressed and crazed I am.

My head feels mushy, like I can't think properly or well.  Things that I should have no problem answering end up baffling me, and minor tasks end up being something that seems somewhat impossible.

My MLE assignment for this week did not get finished, but my prof said that I could give it to him whenever I finish, which will probably not be until later on in the week.  Though I also need to focus on my comps presentation, which I have only half the slides for (if that), and no actual plan for how the presentation will go.  Which is great damn planning on my part.

Friend S and I have still been texting back and forth and that actually helps somewhat.

Hell, even writing in here, which usually helps to sort things out, just seems like a fucking daunting task and I have all these jumbled thoughts in my head that I can't seem to organize and I feel awful all the time lately.  I'm always tired, no matter how much sleep I get.  That tiredness makes me feel physically and emotionally unwell, which causes me to eat less/worse, which makes things worse again.  And then instead of working I just stress about working and things pile on and it all sucks and I just really hate myself lately.  I'm trying to fight against those thoughts, but it is so difficult when the end just feels like it will never come and nothing is under my control and I can't handle all these things in front of me.    

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