Sunday, November 23, 2014

Arrived at my parents' place at around 4:30, and then I just hung out with them while watching Orange is the New Black and we nommed pizza and they got a kick out of the pups.  Since roommate is running in the Philly marathon tomorrow I'm watching Murray this weekend, so he'll be here with us until Monday.  So far I think he likes my mom the best.  She gave him the most food so far.

I'm still kind of dealing with this realization that I have no real plan for my life anymore, and how that is kind of freaking me out in a weird way.  I keep going through these weird moods of being okay with it and then being not okay and then just being apathetic towards everything and then caring too much about everything.  And then the emotionless states settle in and I end up staring blankly at things and am unable to find enjoyment in...a lot of stuff.  Maybe some time away from Bing will be able to help me in that regard.

Friend S is sweet.  After I told him how I've been feeling weird and stuff he said that I should let him know if there is any way he could help when I'm feeling like that.  "Causeee I think you're nice, and I want you to be happy.  So there.  :)"  And that just made me smile and I'm having conflicting feels.  I mean, no feels feels.  Maybe.  I don't know.  It is difficult to tell due to distance and everything.  I'm trying to not due to various things.

But still.  I like that I'm not a bother to him (he said, anyway, when I expressed I was afraid of that).

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