Friday, November 7, 2014

I should always be pessimistic.

So I had my comps presentation today.  And I thought I did well.  After going, I got feedback from people basically telling me that I did the best and that if anyone was going to get a "high pass," it would be me.

Stupid me, actually thinking that would happen.  I got a low pass, and my mood, which had been high since hearing all that stuff, immediately crashed.

I know that they said the low pass would be the modal category, but it really sucks when people keep telling you how fucking awesome you apparently did, and yet in reality it wasn't that good, I guess.

This probably shouldn't be messing with my head as much as it is.  But it is.

And I'm sad.  And I suck.  And I should just leave because even when I think I do awesome, I actually do mediocre at best.

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