Sunday, November 30, 2014

Say Anything

Concert was quite enjoyable, and luckily I finished almost all of my reaction paper for Monday before I went.

Plus I got to see friend!  She was, as always, great company, and allowed me to ramble a lot about stupid life shit that I'm sure annoys her but she lets me do it anyway which I greatly appreciate.

On the way home I did get a little weird and thoughts took over and it was dumb but then music was able to distract me and stuff I guess.

I don't know right now I'm in this odd mixture of being somewhat relaxed because I genuinely had a good time and was happy to see friend, but at the same time I feel kind of broken (emotionally; physically I'm surprisingly fine right now) and blank.  Those two things should juxtapose each other.  But they just are kind of...both there.

Eh, maybe sleep will help.

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