Saturday, July 19, 2014

There are some people on my dash hating on the new Thor because she's a woman and Marvel is "messing with" the norse mythology and I kind of just want to shake them and be all "STOP BEING A SEXIST PIECE OF SHIT."  Because seriously, Marvel!Thor and norse!Thor have so little in fucking common, chill the fuck out.  We all know you just are all pissy because how dare Marvel strip a male hero of his title and give it to a woman.  Booooooo.

I wanted to write this big rebuttal but I don't know anything from the comics so I did not.  I was also tempted to post the waaahmbulance vid but I opted to not do that either.

Man, I wish I could do armour or be able to sew or some shit because I definitely would love to cosplay her for Ota in addition to Kurisu.  

I have spent today in a daze, walking around like a drunk person.  Seriously, I haven't really been able to balance or anything, and I've been feeling dizzy and lightheaded and weak and just overall shitty.  Despite this, I did exercise before, which ended up probably not being the best of ideas, as I felt even worse afterward.  And now, I can't really focus on anything, and I feel like I'm still in that half-asleep, half-awake mode where I am sometimes either dreaming or hallucinating.  

And of course, because my earlier dreams involved the ex, any partial dreams/hallucinations have been having to do with him as well, and so my mood has been just awful and I've been sad and I just want everyone to leave me alone instead of constantly asking me how I'm feeling.  One involved his new group of friends basically ganging up on me and breaking my fingers and doing other shit because I said something they didn't like about him and I had gotten good enough to play at EVO (at Smash, not Marvel or SF) and was supposed to face him the next day and they wanted to take me out beforehand, despite that I was a huge underdog.  And they also drugged me so I was basically a zombie and I couldn't function or do anything and I dunno.  After that I felt very weird.  Shaken, like it actually happened or something.  Again, everything has been really really vivid today. 

I wanted to spend today coding, not having waking nightmares and shit. 

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