Thursday, July 3, 2014

I watched an HBO documentary about America's relationship with dogs titled "One Nation Under Dog," and while it was sad for me to watch through the first two parts, the third had me fucking crying my eyes out and clinging to Callie while doing so.  Why?  Oh, because the first three minutes of that part involved footage of a shelter, where they took dogs who looked young and healthy, crammed them into a dumpster-looking container, and then gassed them to death.  Then, they took puppies, put them on top of the dead bodies, and gassed them as well.  Even though I knew what was going to happen to all of those pups, I was sobbing and turning away and begging to no one in particular, "please don't, please don't do that do those puppers, please don't, don't..."  And I just sobbed. 

It is weird.  Or rather, perhaps it shows how my love for dogs overrides my love for humanity: I was discussing the other day how few movies make me cry, and very few can make me bawl my damn eyes out.  Roommates and I even watched "The Normal Heart," and while I was sad, I did not come close to crying.  This, however, broke my heart and had me wishing that I could save every single one of those pups.  All those innocent beautiful dogs who left this world in a damn box, literally thrown away like they were garbage. 

Which is why when people tell me they bought a dog or went to a breeder, I get very angry.  

Save a life.  Please. 

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