Sunday, July 20, 2014


Luckily, I did not have the same surreal weird experiences today as I did yesterday.   Wheee.  Of course, dreams did occur, though I do not remember exactly what happened in them, but I woke up at a reasonable hour and then stayed up in order to get coding and other shit done.  All while watching stand-up comics and wishing I was playing games instead.  And I still have not gotten through a reasonable enough chunk of South Africa and that shit is annoying as hell.  So I will probably continue that tonight.  Maybe.  Hopefully. 

Unfortunately, though, I have been in these weird moods; I keep going back and forth between being sad and feeling nothing and then being okay and then back to being sad and it all just continues in this weird cycle that I'm sure no one wants to listen to.  

I do want to call best friend, since it is her birfday today.  I've been running around trying to figure out a gift and I might have figured something out finally but I'm not sure.  So woo. 

Uh, what else...oh!  Bought some more shit for Kurisu cosplay!  Now I just need the shirt, tie, and the boots and I should be set!  I will not be attempting coloured contacts; I used to say that every single year but I'm realizing more and more that I just do not care.  For a prop I might get a Dr. Pepper bottle to walk around with.  Though since I don't drink that I might just fill it with Coke and keep it on the hush-hush.  Or I'll go propless.  Or I'll think of something else. 

While I am excited about Ota and this cosplay it still feels a bit weird for me, as ex and I alluded to ourselves as Kurisu and Okabe when we were together (he even made the distinction more than I did) and wanted to cosplay them for a future con.  Obviously that was not going to happen, and so I tabled the thought of ever going as her in the future.  Really, what pushed me towards her this year was not only that she seemed appropriate given my budget and skill level, but also that after I listed possibilities, my friend said that she hoped I would pick her because she thought that her outfit would look really cute on me.  And then when I mentioned that my main hesitation was ex-related, she basically said that (while understandable) she sincerely hoped that I would not allow his memory to bar me from what could be a great cosplay choice.  Her saying that pushed me towards Kurisu, and I am happy that it did, overall.  But sometimes I do get sad or angry or something of the sort because when I first ever thought of cosplaying her, I was convinced I would have an Okabe with me.  

But really, ex wouldn't deserve to be Okabe anyway?  That character is just so fun and loving and wonderful.  It'd be terrible to have ex be the one to personify and therefore bastardize that character in any way. 

...I'm in a mood, okay?

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