Sunday, July 13, 2014

So I was basically out of commission today again due to fall which happened yesterday.  I really didn't think it was that big of a deal but I woke up with a pounding headache and my left pelvic region feels as though I have some serious internal bruise or some shit.  And I was drowsy all day despite drinking a decent amount of caffeinated beverages.  Parents have advised me that if my head keeps feeling like shit then I should see a doctor to get it examined, just in case a mild concussion or anything like that happened.  I'm hoping shit will just go away tomorrow, since I still have yet to finish coding Botswana (2011-2013 left to do) and I wanted to do that before today.  Woo, go me.

I also have been noticing my mood dipping for no apparent real reason and it is probably in large part due to me skipping on meds.  Need to get that shit regular again.  I've been lazy with it because I've been feeling less depressed than usual, but they really do seem to help a lot and I need to get this back on a regular schedule.

Also there is something I keep meaning to write about but I'm too tired right now so maybe tomorrow?  If I remember.

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