Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Today marked the first day of coding for the winter project.  It isn't terrible, and it is bringing in some extra cash, so I guess it is okay.  Plus I guess I'm in a better mood than usual due to my time in PA and also going out with roommate B yesterday night.  And another friend who lives in Boston is now coming down to visit tomorrow, so that should also be a fun time.

I won't lie and say that I've been completely happy or whatnot, but I feel as though I've been better than I have been in the past few weeks.  Likely, it won't last for incredibly long, but...maybe I can take advantage of it for now.  Start looking up and signing up for things that I have been wanting to do for some time but haven't due to anxiety.  And maybe start working out or something.  I really need to do that.  I still feel sluggish and I lately have felt kind of gross?  I don't know.  Lately I have been missing the days where I only ate around 1000 calories a day and was super thin.  And I know I was hitting an unhealthy thinness but...even knowing that I still found myself missing that look.  Which is bad, I know.  But...maybe working out again would make me feel less gross.

Also my sleep schedule has gotten all fucked up again.  Whee.

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