Friday, January 9, 2015

Friend just left, but the last two days with her included many good times and I was overall not really sad or melancholy or anything like that, which is always good.  Really, friends I haven't seen in a while tend to be buffers against that stuff, it seems.  Well, good friends I haven't seen in a while, anyway.

But yeah, over the past days we played a lot of board games, nommed good food, and just hung out and watched a lot of GoT related things.  And this new anime that is about magical boys and it was hilarious and ridiculous at the same time.

And yesterday we went to Barnes and Noble (kind of on accident; I was just driving around randomly looking for somewhere else but ended up at the mall somehow); I had a gift card that I had yet to spend, so I figured I would just run in there and see if there was anything that piqued my interest.  First, I remembered how much I really do enjoy book stores.  Man, I could've stayed in there for much much longer than we did.  It is unfortunate that things can be so expensive, though, compared to where I would buy the same things online.  But, oh well.  I had a gift card so it wasn't like I was spending my own actual money.

Since I've been really into jigsaw puzzles lately, I decided to get a 1000 piece puzzle.  And it involves underwater puppies! It looks so cute.  And then, since calendars were half off, I got this little calendar of "pooped puppies" - aka, sleepy puppies.  It is so fucking cute.

The only bad thing is that now I am behind on my coding and so I will need to catch up as much as possible today and tomorrow in order to get the hours for the week that I need.

Also, now watching the Murrster since roommate B went to Puerto Rico with his fam.  My parents and sister love him aha they were kind of excited.

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