Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I stayed home today to try and code some, because I knew that with everyone in the office I wouldn't actually do anything, but instead would just talk and avoid things.  Not that I've been especially productive at home, but I guess I have been more than I would have been otherwise.

Agility last night was awesome and I could tell that Callie really missed it.  And then this morning we went out for 3+ miles and I let her run around the big field and took treats with me to try and do some recall training with her.  She's getting better at it, but I need to work on it more than I usually do.

Oh, the new snow boots I got are fantastic and warm and I love them and it is kind of really sad, now that I think about it, that these new boots have been what has excited me the most since I got back, basically.

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