Thursday, January 15, 2015

Most likely heading back to Bing tomorrow, but I might end up leaving on Friday instead, depending on a few things.

I know I haven't been updating this as much as I should, and I'm sure I'll go back to doing so regularly once I get back.  I have been thinking about a lot of stuff but I guess I've been so distracted here that I haven't really been able to put those thoughts on paper.  A lot of it might be repetitive, I'm not entirely sure.  Much of it has to do with my...discomfort with dealing with this uncertainty of the future and of what actually brings me joy and what I'm passionate about.

But...I am tired since I have had a really difficult time falling asleep (and so have gotten little sleep the past few days since I've been forcing myself to get up at a semi-reasonable hour) so I will save that for maybe tomorrow or something.

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