Thursday, January 22, 2015

I haven't had an ex dream in a while, but I did have one last night.  It was...weird.

For some reason, we were both at our undergrad, and he was originally with his gf and I didn't know he was there.  But then I saw him and got extremely angry and started yelling at him, telling him to "get off the east coast" because that was my territory (which...makes no sense, really, but whatever) and that he should just go away because no one wanted him around.  Alone, he followed me outside, where he started yelling back at me, though I just kept laughing and telling him how much I hated him and how horrible he was and that I was hoping to never have to see his face again, let alone see his gf with him and that it was a load of bullshit.

He seemed both hurt and furious, trying to tell me that I needed to "let things go," to which I kept responding with phrases like "I can't help my feelings" and such, which were echoes of things he told me when he dumped me.

I don't recall much else of our argument, but I remember then blacking out and waking up in a hospital bed.  Despite my thinking that I was asleep for maybe a day, it turned out that I was in a coma for about a week or so, and that my eye had been so bashed up that it needed extensive surgery.  Though, I could still see out of it; when I looked in the mirror, it had changed colour to this super pale blue - almost silver, really.  Realizing who it was who put me in that position, I swore that I would get even before he escaped to California again.  And that I would just need to be "smarter" in terms of sneaking up on him and returning what he did to me 10 times over.

I'm not really sure why I had this dream, especially during comps time, and I wouldn't really be able to tell you what it means.  Maybe it is that he is still capable of hurting me, and that I still have all this anger and hate built up inside because I was never able to really repay it or get any sort of closure or anything.  I don't know.

Again, it has been a long time since an ex dream happened.

Back to comps.

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