Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Still awake, for some reason.  Oh, probably because I woke up at 2 in the afternoon today.  Yay for me, I guess.

Finished Breaking Bad today and did...not much else, truthfully.  Maybe tomorrow I'll ask younger sister if she wants to do something.  I've been bored and mindless for some time.

It is bad when you identify with (and thus end up rooting for) a protagonist who feels empty and then weirdly admires him for finding something that makes him feel alive and everything and refusing to give that up.  Despite, you know, all the morally terrible shit he did in the meantime.  But that transformation of feeling like you are drifting and hollow into this person who actually enjoys things...I don't know.  It is kind of remarkable.

Again, despite the moral depravity.

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