Sunday, January 25, 2015

So, comps were finished and handed in on Friday, and since then I've kind of been just hanging out and stuff.  Yesterday roommate B and I went to dinner and the arcade, which was fantastic, and then I've just been lazing today since Callie and I got back from our walk.

I'm glad to say that I've still been doing long walks in the mornings with her (and I increased the lengths of my other walks later on in the day), which has been really good despite my being tired all the time still.  That might be a combination of the increased exercise and the decreased eating (and only eating things filled with sugar because I was trying to just stay focused during comps).  But I've been using the Walk for a Dog app, and have walked more than 20 miles in the past five days, which is really good for me.  Not as active as I once was, but I still need to build stuff back up and that is one of the ways I can before I try anything else too intense.

Sadly, I'm still being mostly antisocial.  The idea of really hanging out with people is exhausting; I didn't go to a get-together/party that one of the first year's was holding for her birthday yesterday because the idea of having to go for a long time and hang out with people the whole time, especially since I don't know her that well in comparison to others, just seemed a bit overwhelming and I kind of just wanted to lay down and sleep.

Tomorrow starts classes and everything.  Which means I can't really avoid people as much anymore.  And of course, the question of where my interests are.  All that stuff.

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