Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It really is nice having a close girlfriend here; it has been such a recent thing for me, since I've been surrounded by guys basically my entire graduate career so far.  We have lunch every Tuesday at the on-campus restaurant and it is really nice.  We just sit and nom and chat for a while and it makes me realize even more how much I miss having a close female friend around.

It is funny, despite my always seeming to have more male than female friends, my closest friends have been women, usually very nerdy ones but nerdy in different ways (and of course, that is not used as an insult).  People look at best friend and I and wonder how we are so tight, since we are polar opposites.  College roommate and I, on the other hand, were more similar in interests and personality (though I would say she is more outgoing).  And now my friend here is way more type A than I am, and has more work ethic than anyone I think I have ever encountered (she kind of reminds me of Leslie Knope, actually, now that I'm thinking about it).

I still have been feeling down and don't want to do much of anything, especially when it comes to my own work.  I'm now going to pass on my midwest panel since...it got destroyed and everything.  I don't know if I can figure out a different paper to present in its slot...though I don't know if the best thing to do is just not register or if I should actively let them know.  I'm somewhat relieved but at the same time it just seems like another failure; I haven't had any presentations at conferences and I haven't gone to any this year.

Productivity has been difficult.  Maybe it will be better after this week when the coding project is done.  But I partially doubt it.  

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