Friday, February 27, 2015

Didn't sleep well last night, which I suppose isn't very surprising.

I'm also not feeling fantastic, emotionally.  I skipped the lunch I was supposed to go to because we have prospective students here today, but...I'm just tired and sad and want to run away somewhere.

Maybe I'll just allow myself to play games all day and be a hermit.  Which I kind of am most days anyway.  But I do also need to go food shopping and stuff.  And I should do some work, I suppose.

Also, if I find out that roommate B helped (and by helped, I mean "did for") that first year on the homework I assigned that is due today, I'm going to flip out.

...Not that it matters, I guess.  Nothing really seems to.

We lie to the prospectives about how wonderful we are, when in reality we are crashing and dealing with inter-departmental bullshit.  I have to watch this chick, who, from my observations of her in my own class, bats her eyes at a bunch of guys and basically gets them to do a lot of stuff for her, which is infuriating to me as a woman since successful women are often told they "slept their way" to where they are, and she is fucking fueling that.  Not to mention it is annoying as hell in terms of, if that makes sense?  There are women in this department who work hard; a lot worker harder than I do, but I still don't ask others to do my work for me.  And seeing them work so hard vs. this person who doesn't seem to have that same is frustrating.

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