Thursday, February 19, 2015

For some reason I've been incredibly hungry today, but I've been craving junk food the most (cookies, mainly).  I did have my brown rice-cayenne pepper-chicken dish but after that I was still hungry and probably over-engorged on stuff, especially considering my less than stellar activity level as of late.

I did also start reading Ms. Marvel, who is awesome.  I also got the first volume of the newest Captain Marvel, which I plan on reading tomorrow.  So I'll have three lady superheros whose comics I follow - Thor, Ms. Marvel, and Captain Marvel.  I've been allowing myself to go after comics that have good female leads; I normally avoided comics due to how terribly most of them portray women.

(Speaking, the new Thor's sales have apparently been good, which is awesome since all the whiny dudebros were bitching about her.)

Had session today.  Kept talking about anxiety and things I can do to try and deal with that.  Also, I've been unable to get a decent night's sleep for about a week now.  I keep waking up at random hours and being unable to get back to sleep and then waking up way too early anyway.

...Speaking, I'll do that now, since I'm super tired.

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