Monday, February 2, 2015

Despite us having a weather warning and it being really bad outside, Binghamton decided that it should have campus open and classes on today.  Which is...bullshit.  And this isn't me just saying that I don't want to go, but it is legitimately dangerous outside and I can't believe that they would basically screw over commuters and everything by saying that because they are good with snow removal on campus that means they are good with snow removal elsewhere.  We aren't far from campus at all, truthfully (and I just went out with Callie for about an hour), but it really is bad and the other members of our cohort come from further away.  So we are sending a collective email in an attempt to get our professor to cancel class later today.  Hopefully she will go for it.

I took Callie out since it isn't that cold out, actually ( isn't in the single digits so to me it isn't that bad), and because she loves the snow (as do I, truthfully).  Instead of trudging all the way to the university's fields, I just took her to the elementary school, which is closer.  Sadly, she decided to run around in the woods area rather than the field, and ended up in someone's yard before coming back.  That person then pretty much asked me to make sure that didn't happen again, which...I can understand, honestly.  I'm just a bit sad that I've lost that place as somewhere to let her run like that.  Though it is my own fault; I should have a longer line to train her with recalls instead of assuming that because she is good in one place she will be good in another, which potentially has more smells and distractions.

Still.  Sad.  But I'll get one I think and actually do real training with her.  Hopefully.

Also in feels-related news, I still feel empty and sad and stuff.  And I am finding that I still do not want to interact with people.  My roommates have made comments about me hermiting in my room and things like that and how I don't leave it and stuff.  Which is all accurate.  And again, instead of doing productive things and trying to solve some issues, I've just been playing Dragon Age nonstop.  

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