Saturday, October 13, 2012


When my roommate told me that he was going to be cooking for some potluck thing he was going to yesterday evening, I said that it was alright, "as long as everything got cleaned up."  I went out this morning (after he was already up, I'm sure), and he was around for more than enough time last night, and yet guess what is still in the kitchen?  That's right, a big fucking pile of dishes in the sink.  He's gone, but dishes are still around.

I am so fucking angry.  Plus the fact that there was stuff in the draining board which was not close to clean.  I put that shit back in the sink.

I'm not sure if I should take a passive aggressive or straight up aggressive approach to this.  I could either leave a note right above the sink saying "CLEAN UP YOUR FUCKING SHIT," or I could just go to him and say that exact same line to his face.  Or I could not say anything and just sit here and seethe.  All of these are possibilities.

[Edit] - Said something about the dishes, to which my roommate originally responded with "no, I'll do them later."  And I did not even hesitate really when I countered that the dishes have been there for almost 24 hours and all I asked for yesterday concerning the cooking was that they got cleaned up.  So please do them.  Got his ass in gear.

On a happier note, I went to the apple cider mill in Endicott with people, and it was really awesome.  Their doughtnuts were really yummy, and the cider itself was amazing.  They even had it so that you could watch them making it!  Plus, they had a little farmer's market type thing set up outside, many apples.  And pumpkins!  Lots of pumpkins.  I bought three little ones; they're really cute!  I'll put them somewhere around here.

Did you know they have white, green, and something called 'cheese' pumpkins?  I didn't.  I was sort of bewildered.  In the best of ways.

Also, I bought a chocolate chip cookie.  It's the size of like...a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.  Score.

Have a lot of work to do this weekend, unfortunately.  Not that that's any different from usual, but still.

I've been looking at Insanity: The Asylum for when I finish Insanity, and I realize I still have a ways to go, and I probably should repeat month 2 before looking at The Asylum, but...I want something new.  But still something familiar, in a way.  It's still a ways off until I get to the point of finishing Insanity, but still.

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