Wednesday, March 18, 2015

When non-mathematicians try to talk about math in non-mathematical terms, I get confused as to what they are talking about.

Blergh.  My math skills need to be bolstered.

Whee just another thing I was once decent at that I now suck at.

In more news about how Allie cares more about her game than work: bought a cheap capture card to try and take screenshots of my inquisitor and Hawke and warden.  Hopefully it will work; I didn't necessarily want it for video capture.  I just wanted a better shot of my guys than I could obtain with taking a picture of my television.

Yesterday, I found myself again partially wishing that Callie and Murray lived separately.  I feel like she has gotten more aggressive and possessive over things and that was probably caused by him constantly stealing stuff from her when they were both younger with little consequences.  Part of me feels bad, but she used to absolutely love other dogs and playing with them.  I thought about if this was just a cause of becoming an adult, but the change has been too dramatic in my eyes.  (Even when I was at the park one time, a trainer told me that Callie was "learning" things from him - how she should respond and play and everything, and that basically his behaviour was causing a negative reaction from her.  I had been trying to separate them, but it is difficult to do so when they are running around.  She seems to play fine when he isn't with her.)

And as much as I love Murray, my love for Callie is much greater (obviously; she is mine and our bond is stronger than anything Murray and I could possibly have), and I hate that she is in an environment where she had to learn bad behaviours in order to have things she wanted and not get play-attacked constantly (she used to play quietly; now when she plays with him she sounds like she is going to kill him sometimes, because hat is how he sounds when playing with her).  And she has picked up some of his shit; whereas she used to be okay with him having something and her having another, she has become almost a hoarder.  Where she does not want him to have anything, basically.  Like how he used to do to her.  She doesn't even like playing with toys anymore, and I can't tell if that is because he always took them from her, or if it is because I didn't play with her enough, or what.  The only thing she seems to still love playing is fetch, and even that I'm afraid of him ruining for her.

I hate that I have put her in that situation, where she felt she needed to do these things.  And really, I think one of the many reasons she loves agility is because it is just her and I doing something, and that he isn't around.  I don't think she would like it as much if he was there with her.  

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