Monday, March 23, 2015

Went to Philly for Menzingers on Saturday and while they were awesome and seeing friends was great, the crowd kind of sucked.  This was the first time my band was not the headliner, and it showed, but I guess I got used to the Streetlight and World/Inferno crowds, who are intense but friendly, even during their openers.  Meanwhile, this crowd (Taking Back Sunday being the headliner) was...tame and mean, as my friend said.  Even during their set, the Menzingers' singer mentioned how lame the crowd was being and I felt bad because I know there were fans of them around and wanted to have fun but the TBS people were super annoying and judgmental and made it difficult just by...being stationary and refusing to move a muscle.

We got some things going at some points; I could tell that if the Menzingers was headlining, it would have been better.  Those fans seemed super cool and everything and wanted to have fun.  So next time I see them I'll need to make sure they are the main group.

Still been dealing with the "need to figure things out but am uninterested in practically everything" problem.   And by dealing, I mean "ignoring the problem because it has become too overwhelming for me to address right now."  Part of me is wondering about different ideas but they are through the lens of other things.  Example, I think writing something about queerbaiting in media would be fun, and this is primarily driven by my reading up on the subject within the Supernatural fandom (because holy hell do the spn writers do that and it has become infuriating).

I think media is going to be something that I end up wanting to address.  I just don't know if I will be able to.  Which makes me sad.

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