Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Late to bed and early to rise has been me for the past few days, which is kind of taking its toll on me.

Today, I woke up I think about 6:30 after not getting to bed until after 1, because I find I can't sleep before midnight, most of the time.  I don't really know why I have been waking up so early, but it is annoying.  And therefore I am trying my best to pay attention but am having a somewhat hard time while trying to fight my urge to close my eyes.

However, I am finding that I am somewhat interested in something that has been going on.  Unfortunately, it isn't necessarily the actual substantive arguments, but more the math behind them.  Just the last hour of this class alone has made me realize how far removed from mathematics that I have been, as I've gotten more careless with respect to assumptions made and not realizing the true definitions or propositions of the things I use.  Which, when thinking about it, I don't really like.  For example, I like knowing the true definition of a derivative, despite my being aware of the shortcuts on how to calculate them.

But looking at the math that the authors are doing as well as listening to my professor talk about it actually is having an effect on me, kind of a big deal actually.  The interest isn't in the substance as much, so I'm still lost on a topic, but I think for certain I want some non-statistical mathematics involved in whatever I choose to do.  I was debating, because I was afraid of being too far removed from the subject and the skills I used to have, I can say that I'm certain I want it in there, regardless of my current skill level.

Yesterday I meant to get a lot of work done but then roommate B and I put ATLA on and all my productivity went out the window.

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