Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I had to update my cv today and that was loads of fun.  Being reminded that I did a lot more and accomplished a lot more in undergrad (which probably is still less than what I did in high school) than I have here is just amazing.  It makes my past self start yelling in my head and I know I'm supposed to fight it.  And I try.  It is just hard when I see all these things on my cv and less than a third/fourth of them, probably, are from my graduate career.

Inquisition has been my way to avoid and also has been one of the few things to keep me engaged and excited, which is why I finished it with over 150 hours logged.  And why I'm probably going to get origins so I can go through everything again (I'll have to try to not romance Cullen again in Inquisition; he's so adorbs).

And I'm worrying about everything.  I just recently got my gym membership, and I did it in order to go to the classes.  The people who run the classes are technically separate, but still in the gym so we need that membership.  At first, I was okay.  But I didn't look at reviews of the gym itself because I wanted to do the classes.  And after looking, I've gotten worried that I'm going to have a hard time cancelling down the road and my few interactions with the staff have not been pleasant and I'm already freaking out about that.  Hell, I haven't even gone to the gym since Friday, when I went to the class.

I just keep thinking about how much I suck and how I feel like a huge disappointment to myself and people around me and I just want to disappear.

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