Sunday, November 1, 2015

The past few days have been hectic but filled with good music so I suppose it is alright.

Distant Worlds was amazing, though I sadly missed pretty much the first half because of course work actually kept me until five.  Yep.  I called that that was going to happen.  The only day I've had to stay until five for what...two, three weeks?  But most of what I really wanted to hear was in the second half so that was good at least.  And what I did catch was beyond unbelievable and hfdskjf I want to go to another one because it was just so enjoyable.

And Hallowmas was epic.  Not as good as the first one I went to two years ago, but that was then they were releasing This Packed Funeral and so the whole thing was themed like a funeral and it was amazing.  That sort of theme wasn't around this year but there were still blow up pumpkins and fake blood and a whole fuckton of confetti and glitter.  A ton got all over me and I spent a good amount of time trying to fish it out of my cleavage because it was actually hurting me a little.  Like...scratching.  It was annoying.

(There were some guys walking around with signs for some reason and they pulled out one that said "Be nice to your ex" and I yelled "NO, THAT ADVICE SUCKS" at them (or something to that effect anyway), thinking they wouldn't be able to hear me over everything but they definitely both turned in my direction.  Oops.)

Saw an undergrad friend there with his buddy, who was really fun and stuff!

And then today was a ton of traveling and headaches.  But, Callie is now back home with me!  I missed her.

Recently I had a convo which involved the other person saying that around her senior year of high school was when she learned to start really loving herself for all that she was and has been, even though she had never really disliked herself...and I kind of was stunned because I still, to this day, don't know what that feels like.

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