Saturday, November 7, 2015

So I almost got in a fight at the dog park today!

Callie and this other dog got into a dispute; I don't know how it started but I think it was over a ball or something.  She ended up basically winning that dispute.  She wasn't trying to hurt this other dog, but it was a dominance assertion thing, which can look and sound messier than it actually is.  Yes, I would prefer she didn't do something like that but they're dogs, and disputes occur.

So they got separated, and the other dog's owner ran over to Callie and hit her in the face while calling her a bitch and I flipped out.  I yelled at him and told him not to ever hit her and he was like "you have an aggressive dog, read the rules!"  To which I replied that he needed to learn dog language because disputes occur and shit and he kept just repeating "screw you" to me.  Of course I said again that he better not dare hit her again (while I did not threaten physical violence on my part, my tone certainly did), and when he responded again with "screw you" I yelled back "fuck you" in a very loud voice.

He was an older man, bigger than me, but I would not have held anything back if he tried to strike Callie again.


Why do I even engage with other human beings.  They're awful.

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