Monday, November 23, 2015

While talking with best friend today (whom I was super pleased to see and hang with and I'm so excite she's back in town for a week) about things that we might want to do with our lives, I again brought up fiction writing, only I decided to put it in some sort of...perspective, if that makes any sense for what I'm about to say.

I asked her if, after she say, reads a book or watches a show or movie, if she leaves then thinking about what could have been done or what could be done in that story.  For example, creating characters of the top of your head and generating small/large (depending on the depth of the character) backstories for them and what role they would place in the story.  More specific example - after watching the How to Get Away with Murder winter finale recently, I thought up this prosecutor as the next rival, and developed this whole persona for her and who she would get along with and why and all these other things.  I also think of places I would like the story to go in terms of the characters already established and try to come up with scenarios I think would be really interesting and unique to the story.

It was something that I thought everyone did; come up with their own world and characters and whatnot.  I've gotten lost in my own head thinking about these sorts of things after watching anything I find remotely engaging.

But she looked at me and just said that she has never done something like that before.

I might ask other people if it is something they tend to do.

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