Monday, November 23, 2015

I started using the Zombies, Run! app and it is awesome.

I originally intended to just walk the first mission, to see what it was like, but after the radio tower guy was like "THERE ARE ZOMBIES YOU HAVE TO RUN," I just started running.  Not very fast, and the whole mission was a combination of walking and running (with Callie), but the fact that it got me to actually run and everything for the first time in a while is kind of a big deal.

I might invest in the premium version because it was really sweet.

Like at the end I was walking and they were like "one of the zombies - the previous runner 5 - is chasing you really fast, you need to not get caught!" and I started running again despite how I was feeling and stuff.

I already want to go on another run to get more supplies for my base.

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