Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I don't know why but new roommate just saying "I don't want to sound like an old person but can you not get the pups riled up at this hour; I need to get up in four hours" to me because I was playing with Murray kind of annoyed me?  Like I didn't respond for a second because it rubbed me the wrong way despite it being perfectly reasonable and everything and I just kind of was like "...okay."

Maybe it is because I've been slightly annoyed in general at her because right now the kitchen is a disaster and it is I wanna say 90% her mess and I'm like why won't you just fucking clean it.  Like, she keeps dishes in the sink for fucking days/weeks and they just pile up and I'm sick of having to work around them and I'm like why doesn't this bother you.  And I refuse to do them myself because I'm over doing other people's shit for them.

And I shouldn't have to say anything to you for you to do them.

But I have a feeling I'm going to have to.

Like, I love her, I do, but she's been aggravating me lately?  Between this and my sometimes feeling like she doesn't give a shit about things I'm saying just makes me feel weird and sad and annoyed.

And it doesn't help that I don't have Callie with me to help ease tension this week, since I let her chill with my parents so I could get shit done.  (Even though I didn't write today like I wanted to.  Blergh.)

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