Sunday, October 18, 2015

College roommate just left, sadly, after a short weekend of hanging out and watching Too Cute and doing fun stuff.  I wish she could have stayed longer, but alas, real world shit keeps us apart.

Having her here reminded me exactly how much I miss her?  Like, living with her.  I love both my roommates now but she and I were so good together and I miss just being able to hang out with her all the time and everything.

Plus I got to see a juxtaposition between my new roommate (who I do adore and have known for a while) and her in how they converse with me: I feel like college roommate is a better...listener?  Yeah, I guess that is how I would put it.  Like sometimes I wanna tell new roommate stuff and I get excited over them and yeah, she might not care as much about them but I just wanna talk about them.  But I get the feeling that she just doesn't give a shit and sometimes she won't reply or anything and/or will switch the conversation onto something completely different and I get very "...okay..." about the whole thing.  Like I don't feel like I can talk to her about anything and everything.

But college roommate is the opposite in that she's always listening and always seems interested in things I'm talking about, and it makes me...idk happier to talk to her?  And we just communicate better and stuff.

I don't know.  I've been thinking about this for a while.

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