Friday, June 5, 2015

So my friend has moved in to the house and I am super pleased with that even though I wasn't pleased with the state of the house prior to her coming here.  The two who moved out left the place in disarray and there are some money things that we need to sort out and stuff and getting the internet all set up again was a bigger pain in the ass than it should have been, but I enjoy having her here and it should be a good time.  Yay~

I've been having some conflicting thoughts about my weight and everything.  On the one hand, I'm not happy with it...I've gotten heavier again and I miss being super thin at times.  But on the other...the classes I went to this week were the first ones where I didn't need to sit out for anything in particular.  Like...I had eaten beforehand and had drank water rather than soda throughout the day and I felt like I had more energy and could get through the workout without feeling like I was going to pass out at any point.

So, if I could actually get back into a good routine (I've done intense workouts the past few days since I've returned to Bing), maybe I can build up muscle or something.  I'd like that at least.  Then maybe I wouldn't feel so bad about the weight and stuff.

I also had a session with psychiatrist yesterday but I'll talk about that in a separate entry later.

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