Sunday, June 14, 2015

Well the cynic in me gets to be smug for some time.
While walking the pups, I heard screaming from a house I was passing on my street.  Now, I probably should have just called the cops or something but police make me nervous and I wasn't completely sure if it was necessary.  Also, I would've kept going if the screaming wasn't like...intense. It made me think something was really wrong; I distinctly heard 'help,' so I thought maybe someone was in serious trouble.

I probably should've turned around because the dogs saw a cat or something and Murray got off his leash somehow and I couldn't get them under control. But I was concerned still. Finally after I had knocked a few times, someone came to the door, answering with a really nasty tone and a 'what do you want' and I said I heard screaming so I wanted to be sure everything was okay. She stayed annoyed and Callie, in her excitement, jumped on the door and popped the screen a little. I was obviously sorry but you would've thought I broke a vase of her mother's ashes with the reaction I received. Again. I reiterated that I just wanted to make sure everything was okay because of what I heard and she was like 'he's four!', in reference to who was screaming, and I, completely annoyed, replied that I didn't know that. All I knew was that I heard yelling and I thought someone was in need of help.

I was rudely told to leave and of course, I'm still having problems getting the dogs back under control because it is also a pain in the ass when they are both together (I might ask to only take Callie from now on idk I can't control her and him right now). In my head, I kept saying that I should offer to pay/fix the screen, but at that point, with how hostile she was being, I didn't even think that would be met with any sort of warmness (or really anything less than just more hostility, which I wasn't equipped to deal with).  Finally I get going, angry with fucking everyone: that lady for being so nasty even though I was just trying to help, with the dogs for not being calm and listening to me, and myself for thinking that anything good would come of this.

I ended up, after getting.g home, driving by myself for a bit because I was upset and wanted to be completely alone and I'm just cynical because people are assholes and I don't really know why I try sometimes. Because I will fuck it up and/or my attempt at doing something good and nice will be spat on.

Idk I do feel bad about the screen maybe instead of engaging I'll just put some money in an envelope (like $40-50 idk how much it costs to fix screens) and put it in their mailbox or something.  Then at least my conscience will be clear. 

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