Thursday, June 11, 2015

I got to deal with some mean as shit hillbillies today!

So, I decided that I wanted to go somewhere different today with Callie.  There is this park that roommate B went with Murray that he really liked, so I figured I would try there. When I got there, however, I felt weird because no one was around and it looked like there wasn't even a good place to park my car.  After a little bit, I decided that I would try a different park nearby instead.

I decided to go without the use of my GPS as an adventure, but the road I ended up taking was a dead end.  Now, despite seeing the sign, I wanted to go to the end of the road because it was narrow and usually the end of a dead end road is wider so I figured I'd be able to make my three point turn there.

Instead, I get to the end of the road and have to stop short because these three dogs came at my car from out of nowhere.  Now, I didn't think I hit any of them, but just to be sure, I got out to make sure.  The owners were out, and instead of replying to me or saying hi or even trying to control their dogs and get them away from my car they just kept being nasty to me, as if it was my fault.  I gave up trying to help or anything after I saw that the three dogs were fine, and then got back in my car.  But in trying to reverse, I saw that one of the dogs was now behind my car.  And again, no one tried to do anything for some time.  I didn't want to get out again because I also had Callie and she had already gotten out once and also because I was getting vibes of "we will shoot this city heathen if she does anything" from them.  Finally, one of them came towards my car, and I - not bothering to try and be super nice anymore - just frankly said that I can't/won't back up with that dog right behind my car.  He got it to move (by hitting it with a stick ugh I wanted to say something about that but again...I'm sure they were getting ready to get their guns out) and I was able to get out of there.  But like...the whole thing reminded me of why I hate rural areas for the most part.  They're pretty, but hillbillies abound.

Anyway, I ended up not being able to find the other park, and just went to our regular dog park where Callie got to swim and play with some other pups.  And now she is passed out, basically.

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