Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Had a discussion with one of the profs I'm close with before (he came to me because, as he said, I won't talk to him unless he comes and gets me himself; something I attribute to my fear of talking to people and disappointing them and everything).  He wanted to know how I was doing and everything, and he was a bit sad when I told him the inevitable, "eh, not great."

He talked to me about the importance of having something that I'm interested in, and understands the difficulty in being where I am and being unsure of what to do.  And that having too much or too little to do results in stagnation, to which I agreed.  In a way, I've had both too much and too little to do.  Too much in theory; too little in practice.  I'm not sure if that makes sense.

The idea of my taking a medical leave of absence was again brought up, and I won't lie, it is becoming more and more of an attractive option.  I just get worried about this idea of falling behind, but...at the same time, having a semester off could also give me some time to catch up on things and sort some shit out.

Also, I would need to think about a source of income for that time period.

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