Monday, August 24, 2015

My morning walk was eventful.

There is always this little Beagle that we pass on our normal route, and he is always (stereotypically Beagle) howling at us when we pass because he wants to say hi.  He is super cute.  But today I all of a sudden see him running towards us; he got off his outside leash.  So he and Callie exchange greetings and butt-sniffs and then start playing, but then I picked him up to bring him back to his house.  Only thing is that I'm maybe...five steps from the door when he wriggles free of my grasp.

And hence a long chase began.

According to my phone, it was around a mile of me trying to get this little pup.  He kept running away whenever I got close, and I would try running only when he was out of my sight.  I know he probably thought of it as a game, and he kept sniffing everything (again, what a stereotype) and then running.  I got a decent amount of running in.

Finally, Callie stopped to poop.  And I guess he wanted to smell it because he came flying back towards us and stopped, which gave me the chance to pick him up and start carrying him back to his house.  (Thank god for mma, because holding onto him, who was squirming a lot, plus Callie's leash plus a poop bag was not exactly the easiest thing in the world.)

But I got him back to his house safe and sound, and his mom thanked me a ton for getting him back.  I just felt better knowing that he was home.

My arms are scratched up some now but that's okay.

Interesting way to start the day!

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