Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I've been thinking about writing a memoir of some sorts concerning my time at grad school and this journey of mine through depression/anxiety/heartbreak+recovery, etc., etc., but I'm not sure if it would be interesting at all and I'm going through some self-doubting lately.

I should work on my fic tomorrow too; I'm around 63000 words, and I'm not really close to being done, but maybe I'll make it more of a necessity to write every day rather than bang something out once every few days.  That might make things more regular.

Truthfully, I'm not extremely confident in my writing abilities, despite people telling me that they are strong.  I just don't think that my writing is interesting.  But I don't know.  Maybe someone will want to read about my shit or something.


  1. I'd recommend that you do. Maybe you doubt yourself, but I don't doubt you. I don't know you, but I know who you are as a writer through this blog - and I say confidently, I don't doubt you.

    1. Ah, thank you so so much! :) I really needed this. I think I will start trying soon!
