Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mario Kart

After spending most of my day reading, I was able to head over to electrical engineer's house to play video games.  We played Mario Kart and "broken" Brawl, which is just Brawl but fixed, apparently.  While he beat me two out of three times in Mario Kart, I beat him most times in Brawl, which pleased me.  (Also, the portraits of the characters look like MS Paint drawings and they're super cute.  I got a picture of Marth and Ike, which will probably go up on facebook at some point.)  I'm still somewhat good at it!  Part of me wonders if I should start practicing it again to try and get better, even though I most likely would never get to a point where I would be able to win tournaments or anything like that.  Still, it is really fun!

One of his roommates was home, and she cooked a steak and mashed potatoes, while he got up to boil vegetables.  They let me eat with them, which was awesome.  I haven't had steak since I moved up here, basically, and she was a really good cook.  The veggies were good too, though I skipped out on the potatoes.  I am a disgrace to my Irish heritage, not liking potatoes and all that.

We just spent dinner and a little after talking and everything, which was awesome.  They're both super nerdy in what they like, and it felt awesome: meeting people with nerdy interests was something I wanted to do, and it was sweet that I finally have met people with that!  Hopefully they'll let me go over again and more often to play games and maybe watch stuff as well.

One thing though; the guy is fond of flirtatious/dirty comments, which he claimed I would appreciate more when we were better friends (which makes me think he just says those to everyone aha).  I'm not uncomfortable with it, so to say, but I am still super awkward about it.  Which he realized, even before I actually told him that.  I'm just an awkward person overall.  But that's okay.

Tomorrow I need to go grocery shopping, I think, since I didn't go today.  I need to buy some healthier foodstuffs; some salad and apples and stuff, in addition to my normal eats.  Also, I might write a reaction paper to one of my World Politics readings, and hopefully read most of the Comparative readings.

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