Sunday, February 14, 2016

So instead of doing any work this weekend (despite that I need to have evidence for some serious shit by Wednesday), I cleaned the house while rewatching season 3 of atla and played a fuck ton of Rise of the Tomb Raider (which is so much fun omg).

Despite having a project that I'm interested in, I'm still not passionate enough to get myself actually doing it seriously.  Which kind of blows, but I guess that goes hand-in-hand with my disappointment and hatred of academia.

Oh, and I did email three professors asking a serious question and not one of them emailed me back so that's fun.  Thanks guys, I kind of don't know where to start in finding the data I need and need your help but sure, radio silence is cool too.

Tomorrow I should write down things that actually make me passionate.  I came to a conclusion recently that I think I want to do something that actually makes a difference in people's lives.  Like, I want to have an impact on people.  Even if just one-on-one.  I think I want something like that.  And I've been feeling more and more that academia is not that place.

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