Saturday, September 19, 2015

Despite my having money issues, there are four events coming up that I'm thinking about going to.

First, NYCC - My sister is in line for tickets and she wants me to go.  And I'd like to go and I'll be working so I think that's locked up.

Then, the 29th-31st there are three concerts: the first is actually the Distant Worlds concert in Rochester (orchestral pieces of final fantasy music) and I've wanted to see this ever since I heard of it a long time ago.  And it is in a place not too far away from me now.  Then I was thinking about the Streetlight concert in Jersey on the 30th, and then Hallowmas on the 31st.

I shouldn't be doing these things I should be saving money.

But.  I'm tired of doing nothing.

Why does it cost money to do fun stuff.

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