Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Stupidly, I got into a political argument on facebook with cousins.

After trying to calmly explain my issue with comparing a super successful female politician to a guy who just entered politics in terms of their qualifications for president (stressing that I was not talking about policy whatsoever), I was immediately attacked because I dared to say that I liked Clinton (and even admitted my own bias about that).

When I countered some...incorrect stuff, I was hit with more incorrect stuff that showed me that no one listened to the first things I said, even though I was trying to be like "hey, look, you're saying some stuff that factually isn't true...I actually know what I'm talking about because I'm a political scientist so maybe don't dismiss me so easily."

Which culminated in me getting continually ignored, and then finally (in my frustration), I said that I shouldn't talk politics to non-political scientists anymore, which basically led to people calling me out as being super elitist (in all but those words) and then people actually basically said that my degree and my education means nothing.

So yeah, I ended up defriending cousins today.

Because fuck you for saying that my four years worth of suffering to become an expert in this field amounts to nothing.

All I said was that I have views on the system itself that kind of show that you're not correct about how the system itself works, but nah man, let's ignore the person who studies this for a living in favor of our own narrative.

It did hurt, actually.  I don't care if you disagree with me on policy.  But don't tell me that my degree and my knowledge are worthless, basically.

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