Sunday, July 19, 2015

This is petty, but...

I still hate the idea of my ex being happy?  Like, it doesn't keep me up at night or anything anymore, but it still bothers me when I think about it (rare, nowadays).  Because he doesn't deserve it, in my eyes.  Why should he be happy after what he did to me and to others?  Why does he get to have a girlfriend who loves and supports him and a good job and all that stupid bullshit when he was a terrible fucking human being who had no regard for anyone other than himself?  Who caused me so much pain and suffering and gave me nothing but bullshit apologies that meant absolutely nothing?

Why does someone like that get to have happiness?

It is just something that I sometimes think about.

I'm probably getting to be too black-and-white again.  I need to remember that people are shades of gray.

(But that motherfucker still deserves a kick to the throat.)

I mean, it is less annoying now, since I've been doing great on the new medication, but.  Still.

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