Friday, May 29, 2020

I know I haven't done anything here but I want to complain about something which I can't on my twit because it involves people there lol.

So I was picked to help with a big fan project where essentially there is a team trying to remake the last season of a certain show. I'm not sure how but the leader was able to get funding to make it animated and shit it is a super cool idea!

I was formally accepted yesterday and spent some of today going over some of the scripts and I...had a lot of problems. Before I said anything one of the other writers (not the admins) basically pulled a "we are using things from my fanfic which people have said they liked" on me and that felt very...awkward. If we are just going to use your ideas why am I here? Why are any of us? 

Anyway I went on with my criticisms, saying how right now the script focuses way too much on one character, that there are some OOC interactions, and the like. I was much nicer, but everyone else basically agreed with some of the things I was saying. 

So that one went silent for a while and the rest talked over ideas. One thing that I am very adamant about is not having a certain plotline happen which was never hinted at in the show but is like a wet dream for this character's fans (who are annoying af). That writer is like "oh no there is a way that makes it make sense" long after the rest of us all sort of agreed that we were not going to do that. It almost feels like this one is like... "how dare you not want this." 

Maybe I'm reading too much into that but. That's what it felt like.

I am very flexible on a lot of plot points, honestly, but that is not one of them and I 100% will argue against it until I am overruled by a large majority. And I'd accept it only because I'm on the team but I will fight so hard to keep that plot point from happening because it sucks and makes zero sense, character wise.

Anyway I know a lot more has happened since I last updated this but really I just wanted to bitch about this where no one I'm working with will see. I don't want people to think I'm inflexible. It is really this plot point I am very passionate about not having.

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