Thursday, March 30, 2017

Short news:

- I am officially an aunt to two lil nieces!

- I have been going through depression relapses for the past two/three weeks joy.

- My ace attorney blog is almost at 500 followers and I'm enjoying it a lot.

- I had a conversation with someone on tumblr who is basically salty about the fact that their ship was kind of sunk and is taking it out on the wrong group of shippers (my group) even though I also hardcore ship what they are salty about and it turned me off to it and now I want to rekindle my love for it.

- Seriously they were like polite in the beginning but then got nasty and I'm like "wtf I didn't do anything to you" and they're just angry that people "hate" on their ship and no one hates on this other one meanwhile the people hating on their ship don't even ship that other one and it is a really bizarre leap in logic and I'm like "dude chill it's fictional" and they're so salty and got all mad and guilt-tripped me about stupid bullshit.

- It was weird as fuck.

- My dissertation has hit a small bump because I'm a lazy sack of stupid shit who can't figure out this game.

- I've been doing mma four days a week and that's been cool.

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